VERBUND is awarded 2nd place in the “Knewledge” competition


Every two years sees the awarding of the "Knewledge Prize" to companies that have demonstrated an outstanding performance in further education activities. VERBUND had already participated in 2000 and succeeded in reaching the final eight. This year, VERBUND attained 2nd place in the category for more than 500 employees.

The winner was BMW Motors,  the 2nd place was a tie between VERBUND and Tyrolit Schleifmittelwerke Svarovski. The prize was presented by Federal Minister Elisabeth Gehrer to VERBUND's manager of strategic personnel management, Vera Futter-Mehringer. The award ceremony was organized by the initiator, the V.P. National Assembly delegate Gertrude Brinek.

VERBUND's overall educational concept, as well as the special project "Qualification 2000" EUD/EOD from VERBUND AHP, was submitted by way of documentation.