Approval for Electricity Solution 05 and Offer for Energie AG


The VERBUND Managing Board today submitted “Electricity Solution 05”, as agreed in the heads of agreement on 3 March together with EnergieAllianz, represented by EVN and Wienenergie, to the Supervisory Board for approval. The report was subsequently approved by the Supervisory Board.

The next step now consists in the drawing up of the contracts on the basis of the heads of agreement, which will subsequently be submitted to the antitrust authorities.

Following approval by the antitrust authorities, “Electricity Solution 05” will be submitted to the VERBUND Supervisory Board in an extraordinary general assembly for adoption of resolution.

Moreover, the Supervisory Board has given its approval to a binding purchase offer regarding the acquisition of a participating interest of 25 % plus 1 share of Energie AG OÖ, subject to the condition that the heads of agreement on “Electricity Solution 05” are adhered to and complied with.

It is VERBUND’s desire that the partners of EnergieAllianz come to an internal agreement as soon as possible, in order that the projects might be implemented and necessary consolidation processes in the Austrian electricity industry can be expedited.