VERBUND continues powerfully along the sustainability highway


VERBUND is not only highly successful from an economic point-of-view, but is also continually improving its performance in the environmental and social segments. This is proven by the recently published Sustainability Report 2006.

VERBUND's commitment in the environmental segment has manifested itself in a sound environmental management: more than half of the 107 VERBUND hydroelectric power plants already have an environmental certification, and more sites are being added to this every year. A striking example of VERBUND's approach is the new development of the Limberg II power plant, which has been erected below ground and with which the performance of the Kaprun reservoir power station is more than doubled. A further highlight is the first-time complete demolition of a thermal power plant: in Pernegg, Styria, the VERBUND power plant is being "renaturised" into a green meadow.

Corporate Citizenship isn't an empty promise for VERBUND either: the Substainability Report also gives information on aid for the Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka and the support in the education of handicapped children in the Hans-Radl school, Vienna.

With its fifth Sustainability Report, VERBUND has also made a further step in the coverage of sustainability: in October 2006, the Global Reporting Initiative issued new guidelines for report compilation, which have already been implemented at the highest level of "A+". This is most notably expressed in the operating figures section, which now represents the company's sustainability in an even more comprehensive and powerful way.