Verbund takes 1st and 3rd place in CSR ranking of top 100 companies
In the Austrian Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ranking of the Center for Corporate Citizenship (CCCA), Verbund shared first place together with EVN in the category "raw materials and energy". In the multi-class ranking, Verbund ranked third place, again, sharing the position with EVN, after Henkel CEE and Erste Bank.
Keynote speaker Dr. Michael Pistauer
In the presentation of the CSR ranking in the parliament meeting of 17 April, keynote speaker Dr. Michael Pistauer, Verbund Chairman of the Managing Board, emphasised that sustainable orientation has to begin with the development process of strategies. "We are dealing with the issues of the preservation of resources and the environment for future generations and the achievement of climate protection goals. The framework conditions on the energy sector in Europe and in Austria require new solutions through the use of renewable energy sources and measures to increase energy efficiency – not just in industrial terms, but also in all other areas of everyday life", Pistauer stated emphatically.
CSR ranking
The Center for Corporate Citizenship (CCCA) has undertaken to examine the level of corporate commitment of the 100 largest Austrian companies in the area of social responsibility.
The ten companies to win awards were those that showed a level of commitment surpassing the requirements imposed by law in the areas of environment, personnel and social involvement, as well as disposed of a CSR strategy with appropriate anchoring. A second evaluation produced the ten highest ranking places in the respective industries.