Reimbursement Contracts Signed


The VERBUND Managing Board and the mayors of the Upper Austrian municipalities located within the Upper Austrian section of the Salzburg line 1 signed contracts today regarding reimbursement for those municipalities located within the Upper Austrian line route section.

Following the path of dialog leading to the road to success
Over the past months, representatives of the VERBUND grid company maintained an intense and open dialog with the eight municipalities in Upper Austria located within the Upper Austrian line route section of the Salzburg line 1. "The results of those intense talks were finalized today in terms of contracts," Dr. Kaupa said, expressing his satisfaction. "The Salzburg line and the connected closure of the gap of the vital 380 kV ring in the west of Austria is a project of topmost priority. I am happy to have been able to negotiate successfully with the municipal representatives in charge." The construction of the 46 km 380 kV line will allow for the disconnection of 64 km of old 220 and 110 kV lines, which will result in a marked relief for the public and the environment.

The mayors of the eight line route municipalities in question also expressed their satisfaction today. Mayor spokesman Franz Zehentner showed his appreciation for the willingness of the responsible line construction project managers to maintain a dialog and is happy regarding the noteworthy outcome of the same. "Ultimately, the underlying issue governing the expansion of the high voltage grid is all of our power supply," emphasizes Mr. Zehenter. "So there's no use in pointing the finger at the other party. Knowing that constructing the new 380 kV line is necessary and inevitable, we have tried to achieve a solution that is acceptable to all local residents. In addition to the reimbursement costs for those property owners with houses located in close proximity to the line, we have also managed to negotiate subsidies for the municipalities for important infrastructural investments. In times of financial shortage, this is a marked success for the municipalities."