Climate Cleaning in Ybbs-Persenbeug

08.03.2016Ybbs, Persenbeug-Gottsdorf

New impeller provides more electricity from hydropower

An important milestone for Austria's largest measure towards energy efficiency:  yesterday a second new impeller was added to the Danube power plant Ybbs-Persenbeug for more electricity from hydropower. This Kaplan turbine alone, along with the renewed generator, transformer and digital control system, will increase the efficiency by 12.5 million kilowatt hours.  

Precision work was required to set the 100 tonne impeller accurately into place in the shaft. With only a few millimetres' leeway for the 7.4 metre Kaplan turbine, how much greater were the demands on the personnel and distributors from the Andritz company.

The turbines, generators, transformers and the control system in Ybbs were still the originals from the power plant's construction in 1954-1959. By replacing electrical and mechanical components, the power plant will have an increased output of 77 million kilowatt hours, which translates to the average annual usage of 22,000 households.


Portrait Florian Seidl Florian Seidl

Spokesperson Region East

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