Secure power supply with the power of the Danube
05.05.2020Abwindes-Asten, Wallsee
VERBUND employees at the Danube power plant Abwinden-Asten successfully completed the inspection work at the beginning of May while complying with all COVID-19 precautionary measures. The hydropower plant is thus fully ready for action again and is constantly and reliably contributing to the safe, clean and affordable supply of electricity in Austria. Further down the Danube, at the VERBUND power plant Wallsee-Mitterkirchen, maintenance work is ongoing in the left-hand ship lock, mainly to make it available again for transport shipping.
“We’re out there daily so that everything inside runs,” says Kurt Schauer, the operating engineer responsible for the inspections at all four Danube power plants in Upper Austria, referring to the VERBUND motto. “Our employees carry out careful maintenance day and night to ensure uninterrupted operation and secure the electricity supply in Austria.
Schauer continues: “Our power plant teams are divided into smaller groups to minimise the risk of infection. They work apart from each other and at staggered working times. This has worked very well so far and the inspection works at the Danube power plant in Abwinden-Asten were successfully completed, and continued pretty much without problem in Wallsee-Mitterkirchen.”
Schauer continues: “Our power plant teams are divided into smaller groups to minimise the risk of infection. They work apart from each other and at staggered working times. This has worked very well so far and the inspection works at the Danube power plant in Abwinden-Asten were successfully completed, and continued pretty much without problem in Wallsee-Mitterkirchen.”