
Photovoltaic system on the Burgtheater now supplies 70,000 kWh of electricity

Photovoltaic system on the Burgtheater now supplies 70,000 kWh of electricity 

A 300 square metre photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the Burgtheater just in time for the start of summer. With an output of 63 kWp, the system will generate around 70,000 kWh of electricity annually and save 51 tonnes of CO2 per year. Following the EMAS certification ("Eco-Management and Audit Scheme") in April, inclusion in the sustainability action network at the Berliner Theatertreffen festival in May and being awarded the Austrian eco-label in June, the Burgtheater is thus taking another decisive step in its sustainable development. VERBUND, Austria's leading energy company planned and installed the system with 150 PV modules. 

With the planning and approval process of the photovoltaic system on the historic Burgtheater building, a particular challenge was overcome. Apart from the Federal Monuments office, four departments of the City of Vienna and numerous experts were involved. 

"With the photovoltaic system, we are sending out a strong signal for ecological action in the cultural domain. It is an important piece of the puzzle in our sustainability offensive," explains Robert Beutler, Commercial Director of the Burgtheater. Wiebke Leithner, Deputy Commercial Director and Sustainability Officer of the Burgtheater, adds: "The guiding principle of a sustainable development must also be reflected in cultural action. That's why we have opted for an integrated approach and are implementing sustainability in all areas of our organisation step by step. As the driving force behind a decarbonised cultural business, we have a reliable, innovative partner for the topic of green energy by our side in the form of VERBUND." 

"We are especially pleased about the cooperation with the Burgtheater, this important European theatre institution. This project is clear proof that the protection of historic buildings and photovoltaics are not a contradiction," emphasises Michael Strugl, Chairman of the Executive Board of VERBUND. "We are convinced that are green future is possible for everyone. That's why we're actively advancing the energy transition and massively expanding renewable energy systems across Europe. To reach the climate targets, everyone has to pull together. Which is also why it is so vital that important cultural institutions like the Burgtheater set a good example."

The facility was constructed by SOLAVOLTA. The VERBUND subsidiary SOLAVOLTA is a complete provider of photovoltaic systems and accompanies private, commercial and public customers through all steps from consultation, planning and subsidy processing to installation and initial operation of solar power plants of every size.

Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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