Sammlung Verbund presents the first Birgit Jürgenssen monograph


The present monograph is the first book on the work of Austrian artist Birgit Jürgenssen, and is now appearing – six years after her death – on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of her birth.

Founded in 2004, Sammlung Verbund has always recognized the work of Birgit Jürgenssen as being one of the most important aspects of Austrian art post-1945. In line with the Sammlung’s maxim "Depth instead of breadth", some 50 works have been purchased from all of the artist’s periods of creativity and areas of work. 

Birgit Jürgenssen's work is receiving heightened appreciation through the publishing of the monograph and also through a series of exhibitions by Sammlung Verbund. Verbund CEO Wolfgang Anzengruber: "Sammlung Verbund has only been in existence for five years. In this short space of time, the board of trustees has developed an internationally respected collection. I am especially delighted that the Sammlung's commitment has now contributed to the Austrian artist Birgit Jürgenssen receiving the widescale attention and awareness to which she has long been entitled."

The book's editors are Gabriele Schor, director of Sammlung Verbund, and the renowned American art historian, Abigail Solomon-Godeau.
On the occasion of the book presentation, Verbund presented an exhibition with 40 of Birgit Jürgenssen's drawings and photographs, which may be viewed until 10 March 2010 under the title "Pulsschlag einer Sinnlichkeit" (English: The Pulse of a Sensuality) in the Vertical Gallery at Verbund’s headquarters. 

Birgit Jürgenssen/Monograph
Edited by Gabriele Schor and Abigail Solomon-Godeau
With texts from Elisabeth Bronfen (University of Zurich), Sigrid Schade (Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich), Gabriele Schor (Sammlung Verbund, Vienna), Abigail Solomon-Godeau (University of California, Santa Barbara), Geraldine Spiekermann (art historian, Berlin)
The book appears in a German and English-language edition 
296 pages, 350 colour illustrations
Euro 39.80 German/English

Exhibition: Pulsschlag einer Sinnlichkeit (The Pulse of a Sensuality)
Forty drawings and photographs by Birgit Jürgenssen from the Sammlung Verbund
25 November 2009 – 10 March 2010

Moderated art discussions take place every Wednesday at 6.00 p.m. upon prior reservation. Information and registration under tel.: + 43 (0)1-524980311 or
Address: Vertical Gallery at Verbund Headquarters
Am Hof 6a, 1010 Vienna