New election of the VERBUND board of directors


68th annual general meeting at VERBUND AG

At the 68th VERBUND annual general meeting on 22 April 2015, in the course of the regular election of the Supervisory Board, five members who are already part of the Supervisory Board as well as five new members were appointed. The new members are Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauß, Werner Muhm, Susanne Riess, Jürgen Roth and Michael Süß.

Former members Peter Püspök, Reinhold Süßenbacher, Alfred Heinzel and Herbert Kaufmann are now no longer part of the VERBUND Supervisory Board. Siegfried Wolf already left the VERBUND Supervisory Board in mid-April 2014.

In the inaugural session of the Supervisory Board, which took place after the general meeting, the previous Chair of the Board Gilbert Frizberg was confirmed in his position. Michael Süß was elected First Deputy Chair and Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauß was elected Second Deputy Chair. The shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board have been appointed until 2020.

Shareholder representatives on the VERBUND Supervisory Board
Gilbert Frizberg, Chair
Michael Süß, 1. Deputy Chair
Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauß, 2. Deputy Chair
Harald Kaszanits
Martin Krajcsir
Peter Layr
Werner Muhm
Susanne Riess
Jürgen Roth
Christa Wagner

Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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