VERBUND concludes PPA with Statkraft


Together with Capital Energy Power Vortice, VERBUND concluded a long-term power purchase agreement for its PV solar park "La Solana"

Statkraft, Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy and a global company in energy market operations, and VERBUND, Austria's leading energy company and one of the largest producers of hydroelectricity in Europe, are taking the next important step for the energy transition with this long-term cooperation. Capital Energy Power Vortice, S.L. is a minority shareholder of SPV Lusitania Renovables S.L.U..

The PV park in Plasencia in the autonomous region of Extremadura in western Spain, holds an installed capacity of 20.2 MWp and .was commissioned in spring 2022. The power purchase agreement with Statkraft starts in January 2023 and has a term of seven years. Statkraft will buy 100% of the production of this renewable facility, to supply its customers with clean, local and affordable energy.

This new contract strengthens the relationship between Verbund and Statkraft, which have already worked together before in other European markets. In Spain, the PPA for ‘La Solana’ PV plant is the third between the two companies, if we consider those signed between Statkraft and Capital Energy Power Vortice in 2021, related to two Spanish wind projects (Buseco and Lomas).

Tiago Thomaz, Head of Origination Iberia at Statkraft, explains how “this agreement with Verbund is a further step forward in the energy transition in Spain, where we already manage a renewable portfolio of 1.7 gigawatts. We are very pleased to contribute to this process, acting as a driver for renewable and sustainable projects without the need for subsidies, such as the photovoltaic plant in La Solana”.

"The conclusion of this contract marks a milestone in the implementation of Verbund's 2030 strategy, which foresees significant growth in the renewable energy sector, with the aim of achieving around 20-25% of total generation from photovoltaic and onshore wind by 2030. That is why we are particularly pleased about the cooperation with Statkraft and the joint advancement of the energy transition. Decisive action and cross-border cooperation are the essential components for the energy revolution," emphasizes Enrique Barbudo Sepulveda, Managing Director of VERBUND Greenpower Iberia.

Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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