VERBUND loyalty offer is accepted by customers


VERBUND electricity price cut in loyalty offer

• Around one quarter of existing customers moved over to the new contract after two weeks
• Attractive fixed electricity price of 19.70 cent/kWh net: 12-month price guarantee, price cut depending on the market situation not ruled out
• No contractual obligation – customers can cancel at any time without risk
• 1 month's free energy also for early birds who sign up before 31 July

At the end of June 2023, VERBUND launched its information campaign on the loyalty offer for existing customers: depending on their chosen method of communication (email or letter), customers will be informed about the VERBUND loyalty offer, which will see the price of electricity reduced to 19.70 cent net (23.64 cent gross) per kilowatt hour, guaranteed for 12 months and without contractual obligation. "In the first week starting 26 June, the offer was sent out by email and we're delighted that around 25% of customers have taken it up," says Sales Director Josef Neubauer. "Since last week, we've also been sending out thousands of letters about the offer every day to those customers we can only reach by post. From the middle of July, we will start sending out reminder emails and letters to make the offer appealing to as many customers as possible."

High customer interest
"The number of phone calls to our free service hotline 0800 210 210 has tripled and email enquiries have doubled. Customers are showing a lot of interest – we have sharply boosted the number of staff in the service centre in anticipation of this. But we are still surprised by the high number of customers getting in touch with us. That obviously presents our employees with considerable challenges and, unfortunately, results in longer waiting times, for which I would like to apologise," says Neubauer.

Attractive fixed price without contract commitment or risk
For customers, the switch is easy and risk-free: the loyalty offer guarantees an attractive fixed price without contractual commitment – which means that customers can also cancel the agreement at any time. Nebauer: "The clear recommendation is to take up the offer because it contains a lower, fairer energy price, a price guarantee for the next 12 months – with price reductions also a possibility depending on market movements – and no commitment. There are no changes to the General Terms and Conditions (GTCs), existing credits, such as free months, retain their validity. What we want to achieve through our customers consenting to the loyalty tariff is legal certainty for both sides."

When customers accept the offer – again, either online or by post using the postage-paid reply envelope – the switch to the new tariff takes place on the first day of the following month. Those who sign up quickly for the new contract – by 31.7.2023 – will additionally benefit from 1 month of free electricity*.

Price cut for new electricity customers

VERBUND also has an attractive offer for new customers with an electricity price of 24.84 gross (20.70 net) cent per kilowatt hour with a base price of €4.79 gross per month.

Full information on the loyalty offer:
or from VERBUND Customer Service
+43 (0)50 313 51788 
Mon–Fri 7 am – 6 pm

*  Bonus on VERBUND electricity loyalty 07/23 in 1st year of contract. The bonus corresponds to an 8.33% discount on the energy price (working and base price) for consumption in the first 12 months of supply (excl. grid costs, taxes and charges). The discount is applied as a credit to the annual bill. Valid until revoked. Pro rata billing for early termination of contract or product change.


Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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