NEPTUN Water Prize for "Traisen" Project


On the occasion of NEPTUN Prize award ceremony, VERBUND renaturation project "EU Life Traisen" is awarded the main prize.

"Harmonising the protection of water bodies and the safeguarding of natural habitats with the requirements of flood protection and hydropower utilisation currently represents the greatest challenge in the hydropower sector which, in this project, is solved in model fashion," is the jury's unanimous opinion.

Acting on behalf of the project team, Karl Heinz Gruber, Board Director of VERBUND Hydro Power AG, and Herfried Harreiter, Division Manager for hydraulics und and maintenance, accepted the trophy from Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich. The prize money, in the amount of EUR 3,000.00 will be donated towards the shelter at Traismauer-Stollhofen, a project of society "Rettet das Kind" (Save the Child).