Stegenwald power plant: new mobile pump trailer for the Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade


The Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade is primarily responsible for the Stegenwald power plant, which falls within its deployment area. In order to reach the construction site quickly and safely in winter too, when there’s a risk of avalanches, the fire brigade was equipped with a mobile pump trailer by the project operators VERBUND and Salzburg AG. As a token of appreciation, there was also a cheque for EUR 3,000 on top.

Access to the Stegenwald power plant construction site during the winter will be via an emergency route on Eckhartgraben, which is used when there is a risk of avalanches on the Feneslrinne. As this emergency route has a bridge on it with a maximum clearance height of 3 metres, this pinch-point cannot be passed by the fire engine of the Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade. To ensure the all-round safety of the construction site and of the power plant after its initial operation, the municipality of Werfen and the power plant installers agreed to purchase a pump trailer towed by an emergency vehicle in the form of a car. The ceremonial handover to the Volunteer Fire Brigade took place in the presence of Mayor Hubert Stock on 27 November.

The 63 active members of the Werfen Fire Brigade are thus broadening their deployment options and receiving an important addition to their fleet of currently five vehicles. The heart of the new equipment is the FOX 4 portable fire pump, a classic fire extinguishing pump with a rated output of 1,500 l/min at 10 bar and capable of delivering up to 1,650 l/min. With an output of 1,000 l/min at 15 bar, it is perfectly suited for efficiently conveying extinguishing water over longer distances. Weighing in at 166 kg, it allows fatigue-free carrying, even over larger distances. The total value of the purchase by VERBUND and Salzburg AG is 46,000 euros.

 "The new equipment represents an important investment in the safety and performance of the local fire brigade. The trailer enables the efficient conveying of water and thus simplifies firefighting in a range of difference scenarios," says local fire brigade commander Daniel Lienbacher, pleased with the addition to his fleet. Mayor Hubert Stock adds: "The modern pump trailer is not only a boost for the fire brigade, but also contributes to the safety of the entire municipality of Werfen. Our dedicated fire brigade plays a decisive role in ensuring public safety, and the new pump trailer is another step towards being better able to handle the challenges we face in emergencies."

The power plant project operator has cooperated well with the Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade for many years.  In recognition of the successful partnership, VERBUND and Salzburg AG present the fire brigade commander, Daniel Lienbacher, with a check for 3,000 euros to improve deployment capabilities. "The Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade has been a reliable and essential partner for years and stands ready to render quick and effective assistance in emergencies. We are delighted to make a contribution to its work and to support its operational readiness," summarises VERBUND project leader Hannes Badura the appreciation felt for the firefighters. "As a company based in the region, we have cooperated well with the Werfen Volunteer Fire Brigade for many years. The deployment area covers not only the Stegenwald power plant construction site, but also the run-of-river power plant Werfen-Pfarrwerfen, which commenced operations in 2009," says Herwig Berkenhoff, Deputy Project Manager of Salzburg AG.

About Stegenwald power plant

The joint project of VERBUND and Salzburg AG will generate around 73 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year. That corresponds to the average consumption of around 20,000 households – generated from sustainable, domestic hydropower.

Facts & Figures

  • Construction period around 2.5 years
  • Fall height 8.09 metres
  • Turbine capacity of 14.3 MW
  • Control energy capacity 73.8 GWh for approx, 20,000 households
  • Investment of around 90 million euros


Rainer Tschopp

Spokesperson Region West

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