Financial energy for your future: #vorangehen (#proceed) with the VERBUND Scholarship for Women

VERBUND specifically supports highly qualified women in collaboration with TU Wien. With the VERBUND Scholarship for Women, three outstanding female students at TU Wien are supported for a whole year.

The main objective is to acquire technicians for VERBUND and to promote their personal further development with a shot of financial energy.

Dedicated students from technical fields of study may apply: information technology, business informatics, industrial engineering, technical mathematics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or civil engineering.

It is important that the applicants have already garnered professional experience in the form of study-related internships. Excellent English skills are a must, and other foreign language skills would be a plus.

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VERBUND scholarship for women

Use the financial energy of the VERBUND scholarship for women for yourself and your studies!
Your application will be processed by the TU Career Centre.
Applications open March 2025.

The three winners of the VERBUND Scholarship for Women receive a tailored sponsorship package worth 5,000 euros, of which the majority should be used for personal and professional further development. The team of the TU Career Centre accompanies the scholarship holders on their way with a comprehensive package of advice.

The applicants first have to undergo a video interview. The best-qualified participants are invited to the hearing. This selection procedure involves having to convince a top-class panel with presentations and team exercises. The panel consists of HR experts and top executives from VERBUND as well as experts from the TU Career Center, among others. We naturally handle your application confidentially.
For the current funding period the deadline for handing in applications has ended.

The scholarships will be presented at a festive event organised by the TU Wien in fall. Johanna Bartlechner

‘I am working on innovative solutions for sustainable technologies to contribute to a green energy future. In my doctorate, I am developing control concepts for fuel cell systems that enable damage-free, highly dynamic operation. This can both increase efficiency and sustainably extend the service life of these systems. This task excites me because it has a direct impact on the energy transition, the mobility of tomorrow and the quality of life of future generations.’

Antonia Hunyadi

‘My parents encouraged my passion for building and tinkering right from the start. That's why it wasn't a difficult decision for me to attend the HTL and then study civil engineering. The first year at HTL was a bit daunting with only 5 girls out of almost 40 students in the class. But by the time I got to university, I realised that women were definitely present in the construction industry.’

BsC Alina Sophia Schärmer

„Schon der Auswahlprozess war für mich eine spannende Erfahrung. Durch den dreiphasigen Prozess wurde ich mit unterschiedlichen Situationen konfrontiert, die mir im Berufsleben in der Bewerbungssituation unterkommen könnten. Darüber hinaus gibt mir die Teilnahme am Stipendium natürlich die Möglichkeit mich vielseitig weiterzubilden und beispielsweise auch Konferenzen zu besuchen, zu denen ich sonst nicht fahren hätte können.“